

Kiribati is everything that you might expect from an island retreat when all the frills and over-the-top extras are taken away and you’re left with the pure beauty of the island itself. The capital of Kiribati is Tarawa, an island located towards the centre of the Kiribati atoll. Here, you will find the majority of the country’s population at 114,000 residents. Whereas you may not find any skyscrapers or Starbucks Coffee shops in Tarawa, what you will find are street stalls cooking up the freshest seafood, locals dancing to homemade instruments at any time of the day and in general, unspoilt nature and beauty in all directions.

Tarawa is as far removed from a typical city as you can imagine, but holds tremendous charm and intrigue for visitors to the island. Be prepared to be stared at, spoken to and just overall well-received as the locals enjoy your company.

The 33 atolls and reefs that make up Kiribati are spaced far, far apart (some are more than 700km apart) and are sparsely populated – making for perfect ‘private’ island daytrip getaways. Remote islands have intriguing names such as London, Paris and Christmas Island, making them all the more appealing to visit!

Compare several airlines, and Book your cheap flights to Kiribati online with GoFly (Powered by TravelStart)!

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