

Accra is a place where glittering waters, polished skyscrapers and modernity collide with dusty roads, crumbling stone and ancient traditions.

Wander along the coastal area and you will find the beaches piled with idle fishing boats decorated with traditional Adinkra symbols. If you are lucky you may hear the fishermen singing songs as they cast their nets – locals believe certain songs have the power to evoke certain types of fish.

Venture into Jamestown or Makola Market and you will experience the pulsing heart of Accra.

Jamestown offers a glimpse into everyday life in Accra, while the chaotic sprawl of Makola Market is an exciting and fascinating experience. Learn about the mystical qualities of traditional medicines, watch local artisans ply their trade or intoxicate your palate with chargrilled tilapia and kenkey.

Journey to Accra and you will encounter a scintillating tapestry of deep rooted traditions, beautiful languages, staggering contrasts and unparalleled soul. It is an unforgettable voyage into the beating heart of West Africa.

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